screen: Command Summary

 5.2 Command Summary
 'acladd USERNAMES'
      Allow other users in this session.  ⇒Multiuser Session.
      Change a user's permissions.  ⇒Multiuser Session.
 'acldel USERNAME'
      Disallow other user in this session.  ⇒Multiuser Session.
      Inherit permissions granted to a group leader.  ⇒Multiuser
 'aclumask [USERS]+/-BITS ...'
      Predefine access to new windows.  ⇒Umask.
 'activity MESSAGE'
      Set the activity notification message.  ⇒Monitor.
 'addacl USERNAMES'
      Synonym to 'acladd'.  ⇒Multiuser Session.
 'allpartial STATE'
      Set all windows to partial refresh.  ⇒Redisplay.
 'altscreen STATE'
      Enables support for the "alternate screen" terminal capability.
 'at [IDENT][#|*|%] COMMAND [ARGS]'
      Execute a command at other displays or windows.  ⇒At.
      Map attributes to colors.  ⇒Attrcolor.
 'autodetach STATE'
      Automatically detach the session on SIGHUP. ⇒Detach.
 'autonuke STATE'
      Enable a clear screen to discard unwritten output.  ⇒
      Define a command for the backtick string escape.  ⇒Backtick.
 'bce [STATE]'
      Change background color erase.  ⇒Character Processing.
 'bell_msg [MESSAGE]'
      Set the bell notification message.  ⇒Bell.
 'bind [-c CLASS] KEY [COMMAND [ARGS]]'
      Bind a command to a key.  ⇒Bind.
 'bindkey [OPTS] [STRING [CMD ARGS]]'
      Bind a string to a series of keystrokes.  ⇒Bindkey.
      Blank the screen.  ⇒Screen Saver.
      Define a blanker program.  ⇒Screen Saver.
 'break [DURATION]'
      Send a break signal to the current window.  ⇒Break.
      Specify how to generate breaks.  ⇒Break.
 'bufferfile [EXCHANGE-FILE]'
      Select a file for screen-exchange.  ⇒Screen Exchange.
      Swaps window with previous one on window list.  ⇒Bumpleft.
      Swaps window with previous one on window list.  ⇒Bumpright.
 'c1 [STATE]'
      Change c1 code processing.  ⇒Character Processing.
 'caption MODE [STRING]'
      Change caption mode and string.  ⇒Regions.
      Synonym to 'aclchg'.  ⇒Multiuser Session.
 'charset SET'
      Change character set slot designation.  ⇒Character
 'chdir [DIRECTORY]'
      Change the current directory for future windows.  ⇒Chdir.
      Treat ambiguous width characters as full/half width.  ⇒
      Character Processing.
      Clear the window screen.  ⇒Clear.
      Enter a 'screen' command.  ⇒Colon.
      Reorders window on window list, removing number gaps between them.
 'command [-c CLASS]'
      Simulate the screen escape key.  ⇒Command Character.
 'compacthist [STATE]'
      Selects compaction of trailing empty lines.  ⇒Scrollback.
 'console [STATE]'
      Grab or ungrab console output.  ⇒Console.
      Enter copy mode.  ⇒Copy.
 'copy_reg [KEY]'
      Removed.  Use 'paste' instead.  ⇒Registers.
 'crlf STATE'
      Select line break behavior for copying.  ⇒Line Termination.
 'debug STATE'
      Suppress/allow debugging output.  ⇒Debug.
 'defautonuke STATE'
      Select default autonuke behavior.  ⇒Autonuke.
 'defbce STATE'
      Select background color erase.  ⇒Character Processing.
      Specify the default for generating breaks.  ⇒Break.
 'defc1 STATE'
      Select default c1 processing behavior.  ⇒Character
 'defcharset [SET]'
      Change defaul character set slot designation.  ⇒Character
 'defencoding ENC'
      Select default window encoding.  ⇒Character Processing.
 'defescape XY'
      Set the default command and 'meta' characters.  ⇒Command
 'defflow FSTATE'
      Select default flow control behavior.  ⇒Flow.
 'defgr STATE'
      Select default GR processing behavior.  ⇒Character
 'defhstatus [STATUS]'
      Select default window hardstatus line.  ⇒Hardstatus.
 'deflog STATE'
      Select default window logging behavior.  ⇒Log.
 'deflogin STATE'
      Select default utmp logging behavior.  ⇒Login.
 'defmode MODE'
      Select default file mode for ptys.  ⇒Mode.
 'defmonitor STATE'
      Select default activity monitoring behavior.  ⇒Monitor.
 'defmousetrack ON|OFF'
      Select the default mouse tracking behavior.  ⇒Mousetrack.
 'defnonblock STATE|NUMSECS'
      Select default nonblock mode.  ⇒Nonblock.
 'defobuflimit LIMIT'
      Select default output buffer limit.  ⇒Obuflimit.
 'defscrollback NUM'
      Set default lines of scrollback.  ⇒Scrollback.
 'defshell COMMAND'
      Set the default program for new windows.  ⇒Shell.
 'defsilence STATE'
      Select default idle monitoring behavior.  ⇒Monitor.
 'defslowpaste MSEC'
      Select the default inter-character timeout when pasting.  ⇒
 'defutf8 STATE'
      Select default character encoding.  ⇒Character Processing.
 'defwrap STATE'
      Set default line-wrapping behavior.  ⇒Wrap.
 'defwritelock ON|OFF|AUTO'
      Set default writelock behavior.  ⇒Multiuser Session.
 'zombie_timeout [SECONDS]'
      Try to reconnect dead windows after timeout.  ⇒Zombie.
 'detach [-h]'
      Disconnect 'screen' from the terminal.  ⇒Detach.
      Enter a digraph sequence.  ⇒Digraph.
      Display terminal information.  ⇒Info.
      List currently active user interfaces.  ⇒Displays.
      Write the window's termcap entry to a file.  ⇒Dump Termcap.
 'echo [-n] MESSAGE'
      Display a message on startup.  ⇒Startup.
 'encoding ENC [DENC]'
      Set the encoding of a window.  ⇒Character Processing.
 'escape XY'
      Set the command and 'meta' characters.  ⇒Command Character.
 'eval COMMAND1 [COMMAND2 ...]'
      Parse and execute each argument.  ⇒Eval.
 'exec [[FDPAT] COMMAND [ARGS ...]]'
      Run a subprocess (filter).  ⇒Exec.
      Change window size to current display size.  ⇒Window Size.
 'flow [FSTATE]'
      Set flow control behavior.  ⇒Flow.
 'focus [next|prev|up|down|left|right|top|bottom]'
      Move focus to next region.  ⇒Regions.
      Force the current region to a certain size.  ⇒Focusminsize.
 'gr [STATE]'
      Change GR charset processing.  ⇒Character Processing.
 'group [GROUPTITLE]'
      Change or show the group the current window belongs to.  ⇒
      Window Groups.
 'hardcopy [-h] [FILE]'
      Write out the contents of the current window.  ⇒Hardcopy.
 'hardcopy_append STATE'
      Append to hardcopy files.  ⇒Hardcopy.
 'hardcopydir DIRECTORY'
      Place, where to dump hardcopy files.  ⇒Hardcopy.
 'hardstatus [STATE]'
      Use the hardware status line.  ⇒Hardware Status Line.
 'height [LINES [COLS]]'
      Set display height.  ⇒Window Size.
 'help [-c CLASS]'
      Display current key bindings.  ⇒Help.
      Find previous command beginning ....  ⇒History.
 'hstatus STATUS'
      Change the window's hardstatus line.  ⇒Hardstatus.
 'idle [TIMEOUT [CMD ARGS]]'
      Define a screen saver command.  ⇒Screen Saver.
 'ignorecase [on|off]'
      Ignore character case in searches.  ⇒Searching.
      Display window settings.  ⇒Info.
 'ins_reg [KEY]'
      Removed, use 'paste' instead.  ⇒Registers.
      Destroy the current window.  ⇒Kill.
      Redisplay the last message.  ⇒Last Message.
 'layout new [TITLE]'
      Create a layout.  ⇒Layout.
 'layout remove [N|TITLE]'
      Delete a layout.  ⇒Layout.
 'layout next'
      Select the next layout.  ⇒Layout.
 'layout prev'
      Select the previous layout.  ⇒Layout.
 'layout select [N|TITLE]'
      Jump to a layout.  ⇒Layout.
 'layout show'
      List the available layouts.  ⇒Layout.
 'layout title [TITLE]'
      Show or set the title of a layout.  ⇒Layout.
 'layout number [N]'
      Show or set the number of a layout.  ⇒Layout.
 'layout attach [TITLE|:last]'
      Show or set which layout to reattach to.  ⇒Layout.
 'layout save [N|TITLE]'
      Remember the organization of a layout.  ⇒Layout.
 'layout autosave [ON|OFF]'
      Show or set the status of layout saving.  ⇒Layout.
 'layout dump [filename]'
      Save the layout arrangement to a file.  ⇒Layout.
      Display licensing information.  ⇒Startup.
      Lock the controlling terminal.  ⇒Lock.
 'log [STATE]'
      Log all output in the current window.  ⇒Log.
 'logfile FILENAME'
      Place where to collect logfiles.  ⇒Log.
 'login [STATE]'
      Log the window in '/run/utmp'.  ⇒Login.
 'logtstamp [STATE]'
      Configure logfile time-stamps.  ⇒Log.
      Use only the default mapping table for the next keystroke.  ⇒
      Bindkey Control.
      Don't try to do keymapping on the next keystroke.  ⇒Bindkey
 'maptimeout N'
      Set the inter-character timeout used for keymapping.  ⇒Bindkey
 'markkeys STRING'
      Rebind keys in copy mode.  ⇒Copy Mode Keys.
 'maxwin N'
      Set the maximum window number.  ⇒Maxwin.
      Insert the command character.  ⇒Command Character.
 'monitor [STATE]'
      Monitor activity in window.  ⇒Monitor.
 'mousetrack [ON|OFF]'
      Enable selecting split regions with mouse clicks.  ⇒
 'msgminwait SEC'
      Set minimum message wait.  ⇒Message Wait.
 'msgwait SEC'
      Set default message wait.  ⇒Message Wait.
 'multiuser STATE'
      Go into single or multi user mode.  ⇒Multiuser Session.
 'nethack STATE'
      Use 'nethack'-like error messages.  ⇒Nethack.
      Switch to the next window.  ⇒Selecting.
 'nonblock [STATE|NUMSECS]'
      Disable flow control to the current display.  ⇒
 'number [N]'
      Change/display the current window's number.  ⇒Number.
 'obuflimit [LIMIT]'
      Select output buffer limit.  ⇒Obuflimit.
      Kill all other regions.  ⇒Regions.
      Switch to the window you were in last.  ⇒Selecting.
 'partial STATE'
      Set window to partial refresh.  ⇒Redisplay.
 'password [CRYPTED_PW]'
      Set reattach password.  ⇒Detach.
 'paste [SRC_REGS [DEST_REG]]'
      Paste contents of paste buffer or registers somewhere.  ⇒
 'pastefont [STATE]'
      Include font information in the paste buffer.  ⇒Paste.
      Close and Reopen the window's terminal.  ⇒Break.
      Detach and hang up.  ⇒Power Detach.
 'pow_detach_msg [MESSAGE]'
      Set message displayed on 'pow_detach'.  ⇒Power Detach.
      Switch to the previous window.  ⇒Selecting.
 'printcmd [CMD]'
      Set a command for VT100 printer port emulation.  ⇒Printcmd.
 'process [KEY]'
      Treat a register as input to 'screen'.  ⇒Registers.
      Kill all windows and exit.  ⇒Quit.
 'readbuf [-e ENCODING] [FILENAME]'
      Read the paste buffer from the screen-exchange file.  ⇒Screen
 'readreg [-e ENCODING] [REG [FILE]]'
      Load a register from paste buffer or file.  ⇒Registers.
      Redisplay the current window.  ⇒Redisplay.
 'register [-e ENCODING] KEY STRING'
      Store a string to a register.  ⇒Registers.
      Kill current region.  ⇒Regions.
      Delete the screen-exchange file.  ⇒Screen Exchange.
 'rendition bell | monitor | silence | so ATTR [COLOR]'
      Change text attributes in caption for flagged windows.  ⇒
      Reset the terminal settings for the window.  ⇒Reset.
 'resize [(+/-)lines]'
      Grow or shrink a region.  ⇒Resize.
 'screen [OPTS] [N] [CMD [ARGS] | //group]'
      Create a new window.  ⇒Screen Command.
 'scrollback NUM'
      Set size of scrollback buffer.  ⇒Scrollback.
 'select [N|-|.]'
      Switch to a specified window.  ⇒Selecting.
 'sessionname [NAME]'
      Name this session.  ⇒Session Name.
 'setenv [VAR [STRING]]'
      Set an environment variable for new windows.  ⇒Setenv.
 'setsid STATE'
      Controll process group creation for windows.  ⇒Setsid.
 'shell COMMAND'
      Set the default program for new windows.  ⇒Shell.
 'shelltitle TITLE'
      Set the default name for new windows.  ⇒Shell.
 'silence [STATE|SECONDS]'
      Monitor a window for inactivity.  ⇒Monitor.
 'silencewait SECONDS'
      Default timeout to trigger an inactivity notify.  ⇒Monitor.
 'sleep NUM'
      Pause during startup.  ⇒Startup.
 'slowpaste MSEC'
      Slow down pasting in windows.  ⇒Paste.
 'source FILE'
      Run commands from a file.  ⇒Source.
 'sorendition [ATTR [COLOR]]'
      Deprecated.  Use 'rendition so' instead.  ⇒Rendition.
      Split region into two parts.  ⇒Regions.
 'startup_message STATE'
      Display copyright notice on startup.  ⇒Startup.
 'stuff [STRING]'
      Stuff a string in the input buffer of a window.  ⇒Paste.
      Identify a user.  ⇒Multiuser Session.
      Put session in background.  ⇒Suspend.
 'term TERM'
      Set '$TERM' for new windows.  ⇒Term.
      Tweak termcap entries for best performance.  ⇒Termcap
      Ditto, for terminfo systems.  ⇒Termcap Syntax.
      Ditto, for both systems.  ⇒Termcap Syntax.
 'time [STRING]'
      Display time and load average.  ⇒Time.
 'title [WINDOWTITLE]'
      Set the name of the current window.  ⇒Title Command.
 'umask [USERS]+/-BITS ...'
      Synonym to 'aclumask'.  ⇒Umask.
      Unset all keybindings.  ⇒Bind.
 'unsetenv VAR'
      Unset environment variable for new windows.  ⇒Setenv.
 'utf8 [STATE [DSTATE]]'
      Select character encoding of the current window.  ⇒Character
 'vbell [STATE]'
      Use visual bell.  ⇒Bell.
 'vbell_msg [MESSAGE]'
      Set vbell message.  ⇒Bell.
 'vbellwait SEC'
      Set delay for vbell message.  ⇒Bell.
      Display 'screen' version.  ⇒Version.
 'wall MESSAGE'
      Write a message to all displays.  ⇒Multiuser Session.
 'width [COLS [LINES]]'
      Set the width of the window.  ⇒Window Size.
 'windowlist [[-b] [-m] [-g]] | string [STRING] | title [TITLE]'
      Present a list of all windows for selection.  ⇒Windowlist.
      List active windows.  ⇒Windows.
 'wrap [ on | off ]'
      Control line-wrap behavior.  ⇒Wrap.
 'writebuf [-e ENCODING] [FILENAME]'
      Write paste buffer to screen-exchange file.  ⇒Screen
 'writelock ON|OFF|AUTO'
      Grant exclusive write permission.  ⇒Multiuser Session.
      Send an XOFF character.  ⇒XON/XOFF.
      Send an XON character.  ⇒XON/XOFF.
 'zmodem [off|auto|catch|pass]'
      Define how screen treats zmodem requests.  ⇒Zmodem.
 'zombie [KEYS [onerror] ]'
      Keep dead windows.  ⇒Zombie.